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Sterling Public Library's Index to the Sterling Daily Gazette (search by date)

This database is intended for use as an aid to researchers. This index contains subject headings for subjects, events, etc. in the Sterling-Rock Falls Daily Gazette. The database covers births, engagements, marriages, marriage licenses, birthdays (over 65 years), wedding anniversaries (over 25th), divorces, obituaries, retirements, and individual accomplishments. It also includes items of historical value to Sterling and Rock Falls such as fires and accidents, school openings and closings, factory ownership transfers, business openings and closings, major construction, etc. Items included in the database are at the discretion of the indexer. Every attempt is made to be accurate and complete but the library makes no claim for completeness nor assumes liability for use of this database.

All citations found in this index are to published information found in the "Daily Gazette" and as such, constitute public information. All complaints or criticism regarding inclusion of information in this index should be directed to Shaw Media, 7717 South Illinois Route 31 Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Phone number: 815-459-4040. Complaints or questions regarding misspellings, punctuation or information published in the "Daily Gazette" not included in the index may properly be directed to the Sterling Public Library, 102 W. 3rd St., Sterling, IL (815)625-1370, ext 11,

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(Date Format is DD MMM YYYY example 24 May 1999)

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